
Ayu Wulandari


I am forever grateful to join this 200h Teacher Training with 1000 PETALED LOTUS YOGA ACADEMY! My husband said it was the first time I went study without complaining lol and I never making excuses to skip the classes. Dr Kasi always such a good role model as a teacher, very humble..and the he’s always believe in us giving us massive courage&supports whenever we feel frustrated-confused but he never pushes us outside our limits, also the way he explained the theory and explained the history behind yoga, spiritually and science behind yoga truly amazing! I really enjoyed when we discussed the sanskrit name, he explained it very well, such a beautiful language. his class is not big, so he can more focus to each his students. thats a big plus for me. this yoga training had changed my perspectives about yoga, and boosting more confident of myself, truly an eye opener experience for me. such a wonderful teacher. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!! Thank you so much Dr Kasi. Wish you all the very best with your teaching journey. I really looking forward to join your another teacher training someday. Namaste from your forever student Ayu xx